AGPI Membership Benefits
Share your game and puzzle interests with collectors, dealers, researchers, preservationists, museums, players, puzzle solvers, designers, makers, authors, jigsaw puzzle cutters, and manufacturers who are among your fellow AGPI members!
The AGPI Quarterly covers member activities, contains feature articles, and offers in-depth research information as well as international news and advertising.
The annual convention includes guest speakers, workshops and seminars, panel discussions, Show & Tell, an auction, and game buying and selling. The highlight of the year, the convention is filled with fun, camaraderie, and opportunities to learn and expand your collection and knowledge.
Regional and special meetings held in various parts of the world during the year encourage wider membership participation and often explore specific areas of interest.
AGPI provides online access to copies of instructions for thousands of games and a number of game and puzzle company catalogs. The Archives also houses research information, and books and articles written about games and puzzles.
Link up with other AGPI members via the Membership Directory, the members-only Internet email mailing list, and members-only sections of our web site.