Game & Puzzle Company Catalogs

The AGPI has an online collection of Game and Puzzle Company Catalogs.  These catalogs can be viewed in flip book format.

AGPI Archives Games Catalog Database

The AGPI Archives Game Catalog currently includes information on the following:

  • 18424 games
  • 3461 game publishers
  • 1936 game publisher addresses
  • 1630 instructions for games
  • 777 external web links
  • 1769 images of games
  • 1476 game copyright listings
  • 101 game patent listings
  • 10 game trademark listings

The AGPI Archives Game Catalog includes game information, used with permission, from the following sources:

  • AGPI‘s original printed version of The Game Catalog:  U.S. games through 1950, 8th edition, October 1998, edited by Rick Tucker and based on major contributions by its prior editor, Anne Williams, and its original editor, Bill Alexander. The Game Catalog was developed with substantial contributions over the years by AGCA/AGPC members.
  • Bill Trent’s Big Book of Games:  Games from 1950 through 1999.
  • The Spear’s Games Archive: Games from many of their catalogues from 1893 through 1938.
  • Rick Tucker’s Tiddlywinks games and U.S. Copyright Office research on games in general.
  • Anki Toner’s Cycling Board Games.
  • Don Milne’s information on games produced by the Ed-U-Cards Company.
  • … and others!

AGPI Games Catalog

In 2016, Sy Epstein and Charlie Gross of the AGPC published the ninth edition of The Game Catalog with American games before 1951, with added and revised content.  The Ninth Edition of the AGPC Game Catalog, published in 2016, lists more than 9,000 games from 1850 manufacturers between the 1800s and 1950. This Edition includes known variations, later editions and game details.