Mark Your Calendars!  AGPI Convention May 16-19, 2019

This spring, the AGPI convention will be held in Denver, Colorado. The program, registration form, and attendance fees are being developed and the information will be available soon. Dates are set for May 16-19.  There will be plenty of opportunities for gaming and puzzling as well as our regular sales, educational, sharing, swapping, and other activities. From Denver International Airport (DIA), the hotel can be reached via the light rail from the airport with a free pickup by the hotel bus at the Central Park station.  This year's convention will include a VIP tour of Liberty Puzzles and a visit to the studio of puzzle designer Kagen Sound.

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The 2019 AGPI Convention is at the Double Tree by Hilton in Denver, at 3203 Quebec Street, Denver CO 80207.  DoubleTree Hotel reservations can be made by calling 303-321-3333. Single/Double rooms have been reserved for attendees at a rate of $134/night, not including taxes which includes breakfast. This rate applies from Wednesday, May 15 through Sunday, May 19. Mention the Group Block Code: PUZ.  Although the room block is available until April 16th, it is recommended that members make their reservations early.

Hotel reservations are closed.

DoubleTree by Hilton

3203 Quebec Street
Denver, CO

Click Here for AGPI Convention information and registration Inc. (Ohio, USA) is a payment facilitator for goods and services provided by the AGPI.