(Approved in 2006)

In all game and puzzle transactions—sales, trades, purchases and information exchanges—members shall adhere to the best moral and ethical conduct, so as to command the highest respect and utmost confidence.

Members will disclose all known damage and repairs on any items for sale or for trade or described in an information exchange.  Members will not knowingly misrepresent anything for sale or trade or described in an information exchange as to age, condition, authenticity, or other material of fact.

No member shall purport to represent the AGPI or speak for the AGPI without prior approval of the Board of Directors. Approval shall be withheld at the Board’s discretion.

The AGPI Board of Directors performs the role of the AGPI Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee may receive complaints in person or writing against a member:

  • If the complaint was submitted by another member, the President will first try to resolve any dispute. If the President cannot resolve the dispute, the Board of Directors shall meet either in person, or by phone, mail, or email to resolve the dispute. In all cases, members shall have the right to appear in person before the Board of Directors;
  • If the complaint was submitted by a non-member, the Ethics Committee will notify the member of the complaint and request that the member work to resolve the issue. In certain cases, the Ethics Committee may also determine whether it should take an active role in the resolution of the dispute.

The Board has the right to dismiss the offending member from membership, suspend the member, reprimand the member, or take any other action for breach of ethics it deems appropriate.